The controller has a number of maximum 8 output independent circuits. These circuits can be configured in the factory on different outputs:
- 230 VAC for floodlight projectors for example or the wind direction indicators
- 48 VDC, used usually on heliports for INSET or ELEVATED lights and GUIDANCE systems. These lights are dimmable in three steps, 10, 30, and 100%.
- 1.4 A DC, constant current serial circuits, used usually on Airports where the circuits of lights are on long-distance and we don’t want to have a big drop of voltage and power on the cables. This type of circuit can be used even on heliports where the controller is far from the heliport.
- Heliport beacon output, special for heliport beacons. When a heliport beacon is present in a system, we add inside the controller a module for flashing sequence. On this output, the brightness is 3%, 10%, and 100%.
This controller has different control options:
- From the front door buttons
- Remote control using a console connected with a cable
- Remote control using an application on PC
- Remote control using GSM Modem and ANDROID smartphone application
- Using air to ground control systems or PAL (pilot activated lighting)